
Artificial Christmas Trees: Tree Skirt or Not?

The Great Debate: Should You Use a Tree Skirt for Your Artificial Christmas Tree?

When we think of artificial Christmas trees, we often think about the ornaments that are being placed onto the tree and the overall look of this tree. However, do you give as much thought to the tree skirt that you use? Or do you think tree skirts are overrated and should not be used? There are tons of people that believe the tree skirt is the finishing touch on these artificial Christmas trees, while others believe that tree skirts are a thing of the past.

For those who are looking at the tree skirts out there, you will find that there are tons of artificial Christmas trees skirts that are on the market. There are those that are plain, those that fit in with certain themes, there are even those that are meant to give your tree a look as though it is sitting among the snow. Therefore, there really is a tree skirt for everyone. With this being said, we do have some advice for those who are deciding on whether a tree skirt is the best option for them or not!


To Skirt or Not to Skirt: The Ultimate Dilemma for the Modern Christmas Decorator

1. If you have pets, tree skirts may be out of the question. Cats love to lay on them, which is fine. But, if you have a cat that likes to get into the tree, this may be an invitation to do just that. In addition, with puppies, everyone knows that anything on the floor is fair game for wetting on, so a tree skirt may not last long in your home with a dog.

2. You can get a tree skirt that is going to help your theme to come to life. So, be sure to take the time to make sure that you do this. You are going to find that this can be the decorating touch that your tree is missing.